Weird Science

Epic Science Fails: Hilarious Experiments That Missed the Mark!

Tony Stark

We wouldn’t be where we are today without science experiments. Through trial and error, scientists have discovered things like candy, ...

Busting the Internet’s Most Widely Believed Science Myths

Tony Stark

People tend to believe whatever they hear, especially when it sounds like something that’s backed by science. That’s how the ...

Serendipitous Breakthroughs: Unexpected Discoveries That Shaped Our World

Tony Stark

Throughout history, many of the greatest scientific advancements and technological innovations have been the result of accidental discoveries. These serendipitous ...

Meet the Animals Ushering in Their Own Stone Age Revolution!

Tony Stark

During the Stone age, our prehistoric ancestors started making simple tools out of stone to hunt, prepare food, make clothes, ...

Mysteries of the Everyday: What Scientists Can’t Yet Explain

Tony Stark

You’d think we’d understand ordinary things we experience daily, like laughter, hiccups, and yawning. They’ve become second nature, so we ...